Summary: DSA analyzed nine Crypto Suspicious Activity Report enforcement actions to identify common reasons for […]
Alison Jimenez
Coinbase's "staking" program, which offers investors a yield for the temporary use of their cryptocurrency, generates commissions as high as 35 percent for the company, a rate that "would make even hedge funds blush," said Jimenez, now president of Dynamic Securities Analytics.
Summary: The portion of law enforcement 314(a) requests involving money laundering has increased in recent […]
Alison Jimenez was quoted in a article regarding FinCEN's advisory on Human Smuggling.
After years of neglect, it appears that Human Smuggling financing is a priority to government agencies. Human Smuggling Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) filed by MSBs have skyrocketed since mid-2021 while banks' filings have remained flat. FinCEN issued then deleted a Human Smuggling Alert on 12/16/2022.
Weaponized KYC is when organizations collect KYC information and then use the data to inflict harm on customers.
With public blockchains and blockchain analytics, why do crypto frauds & failures keep surprising us?